**NEW**  Award winners

The winners of the awards were announced at the reception during MIWAI 2010. For the list of winners see here. Congratulations to all the winners!

There will be five awards given out at the workshop (for a description of the different submission categories A,B,C see here):

  1. (i)Best original paper (4,000 Baht): Given to the best category A submission, from any origin.

  2. (ii)Best original paper by a PhD student (2,000 Baht): Given to the best category A paper whose first author is a registered PhD student, from any origin.

  3. (iii)Best original paper by a Masters student (2,000 Baht): Given to the best category A paper whose first author is a registered Masters student, from any origin.

  4. (iv)Best demonstration (2,000 Baht): Given to the best demonstration (see category C submissions here - note this prize will only be awarded in case at least 3 demonstrations are presented at the workshop).

  5. (v)Best reviewer (a gift): Given to the reviewer who has given the most helpful feedback on the papers they have been assigned to review.

Travel Scholarships

The Faculty of Informatics of MSU has allocated some money for some travel scholarships for students wishing to attend MIWAI 2010:

  1. At least one scholarship for students enrolled at universities outside Thailand of up to a maximum of 20,000 Baht (approx 630 USD).

  2. FOUR scholarships for students enrolled at Thai universities of 2,500 Baht each.

(More scholarships may become available from outside sources - watch this space for more details).

These scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. The recipients will be decided based on the following criteria:

  1. 1.Whether the student will be actively participating in the workshop.

  2. 2.The category of the paper presented (Category A will be preferred).

  3. 3.Whether there is any alternative funding available to the student from their own institute.

  4. 4.How far the student must travel from their own university to attend the workshop.

To apply for one of these scholarships, the student should send an email (written in English) to either or both of the Program chairs (richard.booth[AT]uni.lu, chattrakul.s[AT]msu.ac.th) with the subject line “MIWAI travel scholarship”. The email should explain why the student thinks they deserve to receive the scholarship. The following documents should be attached:

  1. a supporting letter from the student’s supervisor.

  2. scanned photocopy of student ID.

  3. any other document the student thinks may support their application.

The deadline for application for these scholarships is 22 October 2010 31 October 2010. And the notification will be sent out at the same time as the notifications of paper acceptance (12 November 2010).

The decision of the Award and Scholarship Committee will be final.

The scholarships will be officially handed to the successful applicants by the organisers at the workshop itself.



The 4th Mahasarakham International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

December 9-10, 2010, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand
